Gender, Brain, and Leadership

Yasmin Zulfah
4 min readDec 25, 2020
“A genuine leader shows them an example and action.”

Stereotypes are inevitable and a bit of an equalizer. A vast majority of people have been experienced being generalized in both positive and negative ways due to our hierarchical and patriarchal nature, there are plenty of them still struggling to face it. Talking about the alliance between gender and leadership stereotype, this has been a controversial issue for years and blowing up to our surroundings in the progress of the social environment. Both women and men have commensurate participation in further education even though in the employment sector, gender blindness is not yet represented in terms of involvement in the work environment which then generates a huge inequity for a job opportunity. Contrastingly, this filter model helps to solve the problem by facilitating in different ways, the encoding of expected and unexpected information in the environment which should at least come as a piece of good news. To demonstrate evidence that my claim was true, the important part for the reader to know is the leader-centric theories, the difference between men's and women’s brains when they interpret leader role, and how to define equality and equity.

Leadership, according to Organizational Behaviour (2011) is an instrument of team achievement by articulating a vision, acting decisively, and motivate others to accomplish their goals likewise managing boundaries on the team continuum by providing the pertinent development for aiming their intellectual capital. The Leader Pipeline: How To Build The Leadership Powered Company (2009) said in preparation to obtain the leader understanding of the critical part, they have to presented in a leader manner while having work effectively with people who are different is a growth experience and it is a compulsion for a leader to have a characteristic of integrating assessing competence, identifying problems, and measuring between success and consequence that will help find the needs to maximize the performance of their people and the result is fully developed.

The complex interaction between leader, team, and situation involves a process of social influence to generate particular organizational commonalities. On this notion, many different leadership theories exist with each of the experts’ perspectives; traits approaches, behavioral approaches, contingency approaches, transformational approaches, and emerging approaches. Men and women were often seen to be differentiated based on their physical traits nevertheless the trait approach enthusiasm was already replaced with widespread criticism during the post-war period before World War II. This fact has succeeded to expose the enlargement of women’s interest to fill in the workforce due to the different tactics understanding association gender with a leadership role, which they gain self-esteem to fill leader position by solving problems more creatively and high awareness of feeling while communicating. To uncover the following differences: (1) Women used “Tend-an-befriend” tactics concurrently at the otherwise men rather use “Fight-or-Flight” considering men generally doing better with their left hemisphere and generally stronger to approach problem solving with a task-oriented perspective, (2) women used a more democratic participated style and men used more autocratic and directive style, (3) women scored higher in their peers on the reason of their ability at excel language-based-subject, managing, direct report, and communication of effectiveness criteria. Those several conclusions can be drawn into one notion; men and women are equally assertive even Amber Hensley, an author of 10 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains, mentioned the brain size difference between them does do nothing equally with their intelligence.

Advocates For Equity in Schools have stated that people need custom tools that identify and address inequality they have experienced. This is an era where people should have own the right to involves distributing opportunities proportionally focus on the needs of recipients despite the same opportunities or dividing into matching amounts, no longer rejecting collaboration, empathy, sympathy, and conducting respect towards each gender especially for leader employment capacity on their circumstances. There was none to blame since the responsibility belongs to us. Emphasizing the stereotypical characteristics of gender and leadership may reinforce people’s emancipation from mental enslavement and educational bondage is the only tangible revolution. The stimulation for manifesting ordinary unusual effort to produce a leader out of common nature people is the arduous concern we must deal with. On behalf of the team’s effectiveness work, consideration of enhancing mutual respect and trust with team members made a leader consequently scored higher traits to play the central role and owing to the ultimate impact leadership for producing a better difference with the right system, not being bias through gender.


  1. Ram Charan, S. D. J. N., 2000. In: The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company. s.l.:s.n.
  2. Robert Kreitner, A. K., 2011. In: Organizational Behavior Ninth Edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, pp. 467–471.

